Monday, July 26, 2010

Home remedies for lip plumping and blotchy skin?

IMPORTANT - if I use the home remedies for my blotchy skin.. will I loose my tan? I just came back from holiday...I was wondering if it removes the top layer of skin??? thanks.Home remedies for lip plumping and blotchy skin?
im not sure about the blotchy skin.

but heres wat i do for my lips %26amp; it works:

1. get a bowl

2. mix sugar + olive oil together.

3. scrub it on your lips, [over the sink as the sugar tend to fall off]

4. you only need a little bit so dont go over board with the olive oil.

the sugar exfoliates your lips making them fuller %26amp; the olive oil moisturizs them making them smoother.Home remedies for lip plumping and blotchy skin?
Try vaseline or a lip balm on your lips. At home you can also apply 1 spoon of cream mixed with 1 or 2 drops of lemon juice.

For blotchy skin, keep your face clean and well moisturized. A cucumber or papaya face pack is good . You can make it fresh at home. You can also apply honey + ripe banana for a face pack. All these fruits and honey are very nourishing to the skin.
apply cinnamon on your lips b4 you put on lipstick or lipgloss

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